Masks and Ego


The ego is the force of psychic centroversion, that which establishes points or frames of reference. Without the coordinate point (0,0) we cannot orient ourselves or act. The ego is the force that builds an unlimited number of references, of centers around which different formations of the Soul will appear. In Sanskrit it is called Ahankara. Aham means “I”, kara is “the process of doing or carrying out”. As a compound word, Ahankara means “the process of making or uttering the ‘I’ (aham).” The ego is an action, a force that establishes or says the “I”, that lays a fundamental reference stone with respect to another action. For example, the human organism spontaneously performs the physiological action of seeing, the organ of sight is set in motion automatically, and automatically a force also appears that assigns another action to the function of vision: the action that says “I ”. The synthesis is “I see.”

It also happens in animals, for the action of establishing the referent of the “I” does not need verbalization: it not only occurs as an action of the Intellectual Soul, but also as an action of the Sensitive and Volitive Souls. The force of centroversion that we call “ego” also operates at the vegetal, mineral, etc. level, it extends to the inorganic part of the Volitive Soul.In this sense, the ego is the force that makes posible the apearance of masks and the generation of identity narratives.

No matter how much you want to suppress or control your ego you cannot... you could not. In order to repress or suppress the ego, you need to do or not do something. But if you do something or stop doing it in relation to something that already exists, a reference point will automatically appear for your action or non-action, that is, an ego will be generated and with it a mask. Only an ego can kill another ego.

Don't try to kill your ego. It is the little donkey -sometimes stubborn- that thinks that is taking you on this journey of life. Watch it emerge and disappear (when it gets tired and lies down in the meadow). Your Soul expresses seeds that your ego takes for its own choices. The ego simply establishes centers and marks with respect to those seeds; Our Intellective Soul will spontaneously create identity narratives with the marks that the ego has indexed in memory.


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